Measurement of the anisotropy of the interaction between LiF and the inert gases

The asymmetry parameters q in the Van der Waals potentials V=AR6(1+qcos2Θ) describing the interaction between LiF and the various inert gases were determined. A polarized, velocity-filtered LiF beam in the J=1 state was scattered from inert gases contained within a scattering cell. The ratios of the total scattering cross sections for different states of LiF polarization relative to the beam direction were measured. From these data the asymmetry parameters were found to be 1.72±0.35, 1.05±0.10, 1.01±0.10, 1.12±0.10, and 1.28±0.10 for He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe, respectively. These values, except for He, are in good agreement with calculations based on the pertinent electrical properties and excitation energies of the atoms and the molecule, insofar as they are known or may be estimated.