Complex carbohydrates are known as mediators of complex cellular events. Concerning their structural diversity, their potential of information content is several orders of magnitude higher in a short sequence than any other biological macromolecule. SWEET-DB (http://www.dkfz.de/spec2/sweetdb/) is an attempt to use modern web techniques to annotate and/or cross-reference carbohydrate-related data collections which allow glycoscientists to find important data for compounds of interest in a compact and well-structured representation. Currently, reference data taken from three data sources can be retrieved for a given carbohydrate (sub)structure. The sources are CarbBank structures and literature references (linked to NCBI PubMed service), NMR data taken from SugaBase and 3D co-ordinates generated with SWEET-II. The main purpose of SWEET-DB is to enable an easy access to all data stored for one carbohydrate structure entering a complete sequence or parts thereof. Access to SWEET-DB contents is provided with the help of separate input spreadsheets for (sub)structures, bibliographic data, general structural data like molecular weight, NMR spectra and biological data. A detailed online tutorial is available at http://www.dkfz.de/spec2/sweetdb/nar/.