Computer Graphics: Preferences by Gender in Grades 2, 4, and 6

We examined preferences for computer graphics among 316 students in Grades 2, 4, and 6. Based on 10 guidelines developed after examining the literature, we constructed three groups of pictures: high female interest (FI); high male interest (MI); and equal interest (EI), with mixed elements of high female and male interest. Students rated the pictures that were created with Storybook Weaver (MECC, 1991a, 1991b) and projected from a computer to a TV monitor. The girls rated FI pictures highest and MI pictures lowest; the opposite was true for boys. Gender differences in ratings of FI and MI pictures were significant and persistent through grade levels, whereas gender differences were not found for EI pictures. The results support the use of the guidelines to design pictures of appeal to girls and boys. Intermediate ratings of EI pictures showed that it is possible to strike a balance between conflicting preferences.