Hyperfine Structure of the Metastable Hydrogen Atom

The hyperfine separation Δν(2S) of the metastable 2S122 state has been measured by a new atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method. Rf transitions were detected by utilizing a property peculiar to metastable hydrogen atoms, namely, that atoms with mJ=12 decay much more rapidly in passing through a magnetic field of about 575 gauss than do atoms with mJ=+12. We found that Δν(2S)=177556.86±0.05 kc/sec. From this result and the very accurately known hyperfine separation Δν(1S) of the ground state, we obtain RΔν(2S)Δν(1S)=18(1.0000346±0.0000003). The deviation of R from the presently available theoretical value suggests the existence of a higher-order quantum-electrodynamic term.