Arterial vascular properties in individuals with spina bifida

Study design: Observational cross-sectional study. Objective: To assess the vascular characteristics of the arterial circulation in individuals with spina bifida (SB) in comparison with individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) and able-bodied controls (C). Setting: University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Methods: Six spina bifida (SB), 15 spinal cord injury (SCI) and 10 C were included. Red blood cell velocities and arterial diameter of the common carotid artery and common femoral artery were measured using echo-Doppler ultrasound in a supine position. A venous blood sample was withdrawn for determination of blood viscosity. Results: In the common carotid artery, blood flow and wall shear stress were not different between the three groups. The diameter was smaller in SB compared with SCI and C. In the common femoral artery, blood flow was smaller in SB than in SCI and C. Wall shear stress was significantly higher in SB and SCI compared with C. High wall shear stress may lead to endothelial dysfunction and related cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: Deteriorating vascular properties are present in SB as well as in spinal-cord-injured individuals in comparison with C. These properties tend to be more pronounced in SB than in SCI.