Every isotropic probability measure on the space R of real sequences x = ( x 1 , x 2 ,...) is a convex combination of the measure concentrated at 0 and a member of I 0 ( R ), the set of all isotropic probability measures p on R with p ({0}) = 0. Each p [unk] I 0 ( R ) is completely determined by any one of its finite-dimensional marginal distributions p n . Each p n has a density function f n with dp n ( x 1 ,..., x n ) = dx 1 ... dx n f n ( x 1 2 +... + x n 2 ). Each f n is completely monotone in 0 < ξ < ∞ (hence analytic in the right complex ξ half-plane), and π n /2 Γ( n /2) -1 ʃ 0 d ξ ξ n /2-1 f n (ξ) = 1. Every f that satisfies these two conditions is f n for a unique p [unk] I 0 ( R ). Hence the equation πʃ ξ d ζ f 2 (ζ) = ʃ 0 d μ ( t ) e - t ξ defines a bijection between I 0 ( R ) and the set of all probability measures μ on 0 ≤ t < ∞. If p [unk] I 0 ( R ) then p ({x: Σ i =1 x i 2 < ∞}) = 0, so p is not a “softened” or “fuzzy” version of the inequality Σ i =1 x i 2 ≤ 1. If the prior information in a linear inverse problem consists of this inequality and nothing else, stochastic inversion and Bayesian inference are both unsuitable inversion techniques.

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