Untersuchungen zu endogenen N-Umsatzprozessen an15N-markierten Schweinen

Four pigs (59-65 kg live wt) were labeled over 10 days with 15N in the feeding of a fishmeal diet (1), a fishmeal diet + partly hydrolyzed straw meal (2), a horse bean diet (3) and a horse bean diet + partly hydrolyzed straw meal (4). After a 24 h fasting the animals were provided with simple cannulae in the upper part of the small intestines. After a fasting period of 24 h all 4 pigs received a 14C-Leu injection and the cannula secretion was collected in the subsequent 24 h. After the feeding of the diets without straw meal supplement (1 and 3) there were distinct differences in the secretion in comparison with the feeding with straw meal supplements (2 and 4) despite the long fasting period (48-72 H). 14C-activity could already be detected in the TCA-precipitable fraction of the secretion after 3-6 min of the injection in 1 and 3 but only 20-25 min after the 14C-Leu injection in 2 and 4. The specific 14C-Leu activity of the TCA [trichloroacetic acid]-soluble fraction of the secretion was, after the straw meal supplementation to the fish meal diet, 15 times higher 25 min after the 14C-Leu-injection, 25 times higher after 70 min, 36 times after 2 h and 1.8 times after 4 h than without straw meal supplementation. For all 4 diets a specific correlation (r = 0.96) could be ascertained between the increase of 14C-activity/mg N in the TCA-soluble fraction and the increasing crude fiber content in the diet between 25 and 180 min after the injection. Furthermore, a distinctly decreased N-secretion/h could be ascertained (correlation coefficient r = 0.84) with the increasing fiber content in the diet. The influence of the crude fiber on the parameters mentioned is seen in the changed osmotic conditions in the secretion, which may be caused by the changed regulation by hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. The atom-00 15N'' in both TCA-fractions of the secretion underwent big rhythmic variations, which is explained by different ratios of the components pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice.