Single-Chain Estrogen Receptors (ERs) Reveal that the ERα/β Heterodimer Emulates Functions of the ERα Dimer in Genomic Estrogen Signaling Pathways

The effects of estrogens, particularly 17β-estradiol (E2), are mediated by estrogen receptor α (ERα) and ERβ. Upon binding to E2, ERs homo- and heterodimerize when coexpressed. The ER dimer then regulates the transcription of target genes through estrogen responsive element (ERE)-dependent and -independent pathways that constitute genomic estrogen signaling. Although ERα and ERβ have similar ERE and E2 binding properties, they display different transregulatory capacities in both ERE-dependent and -independent signaling pathways. It is therefore likely that the heterodimerization provides novel functions to ERs by combining distinct properties of the contributing partners. The elucidation of the role of the ER heterodimer is critical for the understanding of physiology and pathophysiology of E2 signaling. However, differentially determining target gene responses during cosynthesis of ER subtypes is difficult, since dimers formed are a heterogeneous population of homo- and heterodimers. To circumvent the pivotal dimerization step in ER action and hence produce a homogeneous ER heterodimer population, we utilized a genetic fusion strategy. We joined the cDNAs of ERα and/or ERβ to produce single-chain ERs to simulate the ER homo- and heterodimers. The fusion ERs interacted with ERE and E2 in a manner similar to that observed with the ER dimers. The homofusion receptors mimicked the functions of the parent ER dimers in the ERE-dependent and -independent pathways in transfected mammalian cells, whereas heterofusion receptors emulated the transregulatory properties of the ERα dimer. These results suggest that ERα is the functionally dominant partner in the ERα/β heterodimer.