Surface Expansion Is Independent of and Occurs Faster than Core Solvation during the Unfolding of Barstar

The denaturant-induced unfolding kinetics of the 89-residue protein, barstar, have been examined using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) at 25 °C and pH 8.0. The core tryptophan, Trp53, in barstar serves as a fluorescence donor, and a thionitrobenzoic acid moiety (TNB) attached to a cysteine residue acts as an acceptor to form an efficient FRET pair. Four different single-cysteine containing mutants of barstar with cysteine residues at positions 25, 40, 62, and 82 were studied. The unfolding kinetics of the four mutant forms of barstar were monitored by measurement of the changes in the fluorescence intensity of Trp53 in the unlabeled and TNB-labeled proteins. The rate of change of fluorescence of the single-tryptophan residue, Trp53, in the unlabeled protein, where no FRET occurs, yields the rate of solvation of the core. This rate is similar for all four unlabeled proteins. The rate of the increase in the fluorescence of Trp53 in the labeled protein, where FRET from the tryptophan to the TNB label occurs, yields the rate of decrease in FRET efficiency during unfolding. The decrease in FRET efficiency for proteins labeled at either of the two buried positions (Cys40 or Cys82) occurs at a rate similar to the rate of core solvation. The decrease in FRET efficiency for the acceptor at Cys40 is also shown to be sensitive to the isomerization of the Tyr47−Pro48 cis bond. For the proteins where the label is at a solvent-exposed position (Cys25 and Cys62), the decrease in FRET efficiency occurs in two kinetic phases; 15−25% of the FRET efficiency decreases in the faster phase, and the remaining FRET efficiency decreases in a slower phase, the rate of which is the same as the rate of core solvation. These results clearly indicate that, during unfolding, the protein surface expands faster than, and independently of, water intrusion into the core.