N=85nuclei. I. Decay ofPr145to levels ofNd145

A γ-ray spectroscopy study of the decay of Pr145 has led to the identification of 61 γ rays. These and γγ coincidence studies have been used to identify 20 levels in Nd145 at (Jπ value in parentheses): ground state (72), 67.1 (32), 72.50 (52), 657.67 (112), 748.28 (92), 780.45 (32), 919.9 (12), 920.72 (92), 937.05 (52), 1011.22 (112), 1051.41 (72), 1085.2 (32+), 1150.26 (92±), 1101.05 (52), 1161.05 (52), 1162.32 (-), 1249.7 (52) 1285.6 (-), 1338.6 (-), 1403.92 (52), and 1527.05 (92) keV. These levels and these properties are discussed in terms of the clustering and the dressed n-quasiparticle model.