Separate Isolation of Clostridium difficile Spores and Vegetative Cells from the Feces of Newborn Infants

A modified taurocholate‐cefoxitin‐cycloserine‐fructose agar medium, pH 5.5, on which vegetative cells alone could grow, was newly devised for separate isolation of Clostridium difficile vegetative cells and spores from feces. The ratio of C. difficile‐positive feces from healthy newborn infants younger than 10 days of the age was 30.8%, and 93.3% of feces from healthy infants older than 20 days were positive for C. difficile. C. difficile spores alone were detected in twenty‐one samples (75%) of C. difficile‐positive Twenty‐eight specimens. Only 10.7% (3/28) C. difficile vegetative cells alone were detected. C. difficile spores alone were detected in one of nine healthy adults. These collective results offer potential explanations for high frequent isolations of C. difficile from newborn infants without occurrence of pseudomembranous colitis.