Consideration of a proposed electrical model of monaural detection leads to the suggestion that subjects listening to long‐duration signals may respond on the basis of amplitude peaks. To eliminate such peaks, a 500‐Hz tone was employed as both masker and signal. A two‐interval, forced‐choice procedure was used to determine the level required for 80% correct at each of several signal durations. The masker level was 60 dB SPL, and the signal was always in phase with the masker. Signal durations from 20 msec to 2 sec were employed. The results showed a slope of approximately −3 dB per doubling over the range from 20 msec to 1 sec. Detection at 2 sec tended to be worse than at 1 sec. The slope of 03 dB per doubling is steeper than has commonly been found with noise maskers, especially at the longer durations. The psychometric function exhibites a systematic change of slope with duration—steep for short durations and shallow for long. Subject Classification: 65.35, 65.58, 65.75.

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