The Supernova Rate–Velocity Dispersion Relation in the Interstellar Medium

We investigate the relationship between the velocity dispersion of the gas and the SN rate and feedback efficiency in the ISM. We explore the constancy of the velocity dispersion profiles in the outer parts of galactic disks at~6-8 km s^-1, and the transition to the starburst regime. Our results show that a) SN driving leads to constant velocity dispersions of sig~6 km s^-1 for the total gas and sigHI~3 km s^-1 for the HI gas, independent of the SN rate, for values of the rate between 0.01-0.5 the Galactic rate R_{G},b) the position of the transition to the starburst regime at SFR/Area~5*10^-3-10^-2 M_sol yr^-1 kpc^-2 observed in the simulations, is in good agreement with the transition to the starburst regime in the observations, c) for the high SN rates, no HI gas is present in the simulations box, however, for the total gas velocity dispersion, there is good agreement between the models and the observations,d) at the intermediate SN rates R/R_{G}~0.5-1, taking into account the thermal broadening of the HI line helps reach a good agreement in that regime between the models and the observations,e) for R/R_{G}<0.5, sig and sigHI fall below the observed values by a factor of~2. However, a set of simulation with different values of epsilon indicates that for larger values of the supernova feedback efficiencies, velocity dispersions of the HI gas of the order of 5-6 km s^{-1} can be obtained, in closer agreement with the observations. The fact that for R/R_{G}<0.5, the HI gas velocity dispersions are a factor ~2 smaller than the observed values could result from the fact that we might have underestimated the SN feedback efficiency. It might also be an indication that other physical processes couple to the stellar feedback in order to produce the observed level of turbulence in galactic disks.Comment: 44 pages, 22 figures. Accepted to Ap

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