To our knowledge, multiple infection of the nails with more than one species of fungus has never before been reported. The presence of a Trichophyton and an Aspergillus together is unusual in human tissue. Onychomycosis caused by the genus Aspergillus alone is extremely rare; in fact, the aspergilli have usually been considered, and often are, contaminants of mycologic cultures. There are only a few recorded instances of fungous infections of the nails attributed to the aspergilli and related fungi. The first case reported was that of Émile-Weil and Gaudin,1 in 1919. Sartory2 reported a case in 1920 and Ota3 another in 1923. Sartory and co-workers4 reported another case in 1930. Smith5 reported a case in 1934. From 1934 until 1941 no other cases were published. In 1941 Bereston and Keil6 reported the last case of aspergillosis of the nails to be