Synergistic enhancement of small and large intestinal carcinogenesis by combined treatment of rats with five heterocycic amines in a medium-term multi-organ bioassay

The carcinogenic potential of five heterocyclic amines In combination was analyzed using a medium-term multiorgan bioassay. Male F344 rats were Initially treated with five known carcinogens (diethylnitrosamine, N-methyl-N nitrosourea, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nltrosamine, 1,2 dimethyihydrazine and 2,2′-dihydroxy-dl-n-propylnitrosa- mine) over a 4 week period to induce preneoplastic changes in a variety of organs (wide spectrum initiation) and then given the five heterocyclic amines, all having the intestines as a target of their carcinogenicity, individually or in combination in the diet for a further 24 weeks. In the small and large Intestines, simultaneous administration of five heterocycic amines at doses 1/5 or 1/25 of those used in reported carcinogenlclty studies resulted in higher incid ences and multiplicities of adenocarcinomas than expected from the five individual effects, although the differences were not statistically significant. A synergistic effect based on the additive model was most evident (P < 0.141) with multiplicity data for carcinoma in the small intestine at the 1/25 dose. A similar trend was observed for Zymbal gland (P < 0.077), but not other carcinoma induction. Thus the results suggested that synergism depends on the carcinogenic organotropism of individual agents as well as the doses applied in combination.

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