Photoneutron Cross Sections forBa138andN14

Photoneutron cross sections, including σ[(γ, n)+(γ, pn)], σ(γ, 2n), and σ(γ, 3n) for Ba138 and σ[(γ, n)+(γ, pn)] for N14, were measured with monoenergetic photons from threshold to 29 MeV. The partial cross sections were determined by neutron multiplicity counting, and the average neutron energies for both single- and double-photoneutron events were determined simultaneously with the cross-section data by the ring-ratio technique. The N14 data, when combined with data from other laboratories, appears to show that the (γ, pn) process dominates the decay of the giant resonance in this nucleus. The giant-resonance parameters for Ba138 are nearly the same as those for Pr141, which has the same (magic) neutron number.