The composition of the triglycerides of liver, egg yolk and adipose tissue of laying hens fed on a standard diet were investigated by using argentation thin-layer chromatography to separate the triglycerides according to their degree of unsaturation. About 40% of liver triglycerides consisted of one saturated and two monoenoic fatty acids. Triglycerides containing linoleate were more abundant in adipose tissue than in either yolk or liver. Hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase of the tissue triglycerides and fractions obtained from these triglycerides showed that the triglycerides of adipose tissue had a less ordered arrangement of fatty acids at the 2-position than did either yolk or liver triglycerides. The labelling patterns of triglycerides formed in liver slices incubated in the presence of [1-(3)14C]glycerol indicated that triglycerides containing four or more double bonds are formed to a greater extent than are other triglyceride fractions. This is evidence for the concept that the type of triglyceride formed depends on the availability of fatty acids to the liver cells.