We consider the expected level of primordial non-Gaussianities in models in which density perturbations are produced by spatial fluctuations in the decay rate of the inflaton. We consider both the non-Gaussianities resulting from the self-couplings of the field that controls the decay rate as well as from the non-linear relation between field and curvature perturbations. We show that in these scenario non-Gaussianities are of the "local" form, that is well described be the ansatz R =Rg + f_{NL} (Rg^2 - ). This is a consequence of the fact that they were created when modes were already outside the horizon. We show that f_{NL} is naturally of order a few in these models, much larger than what is expected in the standard one field models of inflation (f_{NL}\sim 10^{-2}) and possibly accessible to observations.

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