In two or three dimensions, magnetic reconnection may occur at neutral points and is accompanied by the transport of magnetic field lines across separatrices, the field lines (or flux surfaces in three dimensions) at which the mapping of field lines is discontinuous. Here we show that reconnection may also occur in three dimensions in the absence of neutral points at so‐called “quasi‐separatrix layers,” where there is a steep gradient in field line linkage. Reconnection is a global property, and so, in order to determine where it can occur, the first step is to enclose the volume being considered by a boundary (such as a spherical surface). Then the mapping of field lines from one part of the boundary to another is determined, and quasi‐separatrix layers may be identified as regions where the gradient of the mapping or its inverse is very much larger than normal. The most effective measure of the presence of such layers is the norm of the displacement gradient tensor; their qualitative location is robust and insensitive to the particular surface that is chosen. Reconnection itself occurs when there is a breakdown of ideal MHD and a change of connectivity of plasma elements, where the field line velocity becomes larger than the plasma velocity, so that the field lines slip through the plasma. This breakdown can occur in the quasi‐separatrix layers with an electric field component parallel to the magnetic field. In three dimensions the electric field E (and therefore the field line velocity v) depends partly on the imposed values of E (or v) at the boundary and partly on the gradients of the inverse mapping function. We show that the inverse mapping determines the location of the narrow layers where the breakdown of ideal MHD can occur, while the imposed boundary values of v determine mainly the detailed flow pattern inside the layers. Thus, in general, E (and therefore v) becomes much larger than its boundary values at locations where the gradients of the inverse mapping function are large. An example is given of a sheared X field, where a slow smooth continuous shear flow imposed on the boundary across one quasi‐separatrix produces a flipping of magnetic field lines as they slip rapidly through the plasma in the other quasi‐separatrix layer. It results in a strong plasma jetting localized in, and parallel to, the separatrix layers.

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