Aqueduct Occlusion Does Not Impair Feeding Induced by Either Third or Fourth Ventricle Galanin Injection

Exogenous galanin stimulates feeding when injected into forebrain and hindbrain sites, including the third and fourth ventricles (3V and 4V), amygdala, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), and nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). Because the PVN and NTS border the ventricular space, it is possible that feeding stimulated by injection of galanin at these sites may be caused by the transport of galanin through the ventricular system to a remote site of action. The role of ventricular transport of galanin between the 3V and 4V in galanin-induced feeding was examined in this study. Rats were implanted with two guide cannula assemblies: one dorsal to the mesencephalic aqueduct and the other in the 3V or 4V. Feeding in response to 3V or 4V galanin injection was first measured after sham-occlusion of the aqueduct. Subsequently, flow of cerebrospinal fluid between the forebrain and hindbrain ventricles was acutely interrupted by injection of a silicone grease plug into the mesencephalic aqueduct just before assessment of the feeding response to 4V or 3V galanin injection. Aqueduct occlusion did not alter the feeding induced by either 3V or 4V galanin injection, indicating that galanin terminals in both the diencephalon and hindbrain are involved in control of food intake.