The spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) is a sexually dimorphic motor nucleus in the rat lumbar spinal cord. SNB motoneurons and their perineal target muscles are present in adult males, but reduced or absent in adult females. This dimorphism is due to the presence of androgens during development. Perinatal treatment of females with testosterone (T), or a combination of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estrogen (E + D females) from embryonic (E) day 16 through postnatal (P) day 5, results in a masculine number of SNB motoneurons and the retention of the target muscles. Perinatal treatment with estrogen alone does not masculinize the SNB; prenatal treatment with DHT alone from E17–E22 results in a feminine number of SNB motoneurons and a significantly altered motoneuron morphology and connectivity. To determine if masculinization of the SNB involves the interaction of estrogen and DHT or results from a longer exposure to DHT alone, the number, morphology, and connectivity of SNB motoneurons in females treated with DHT both pre- and post-natally (from E16–P5) were examined. At E22, DHTP (E16–P5) females have SNB motoneuron numbers identical to E+D and normal females, but far fewer than normal males, thus indicating that T is essential for prenatal masculinization. After E22, SNB motoneuron number declines precipitously in normal females but remains stable in DHTP (E16–P5) females and E+D females, which do not differ from normal males at P10. These results demonstrate that DHT can completely masculinize SNB motoneuron number without any synergistic actions with estrogen, and suggest that the development of SNB motoneuron number is strictly an androgen-mediated event. In adulthood, horseradish peroxidase histochemistry reveals that the connectivity, dendritic length, and soma size of SNB motoneurons in DHTP (E17–P5) females are identical to those of normal males but differ significantly from those of DHTP (E17–E22) females. These data suggest that the altered connectivity in DHTP (E17–E22) females is not simply a hormone-specific effect, but the result of a truncated hormone exposure. Thus, DHT can fully masculinize SNB morphology and connectivity if given during the appropriate period of development. It is suggested that while T may be required to masculinize the SNB prenatally, DHT may be involved in masculinizing postnatal aspects of SNB development.

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