It was argued that a comprehensive picture of an individual's anxiety pattern could be obtained by taking into account different types of anxiety reactions and different categories of stressful situations reacted to. An anxiety inventory utilizing these two factors was analyzed with regard to the anxiety profiles of different subgroups of 116 adolescents. The original situation and response scales were categorized on the basis of factor analyses, in order to reduce the total matrix. Ss with similar response profiles across categories of situations were classified in homogeneous groups using latent profile analysis (LPA). For each sex, three categories of individuals were obtained, two of which differed mainly in anxiety level whereas the their group was characterized by a high transsituational inconsistency. For the total sample of Ss, "Psychic" responses were reported as more intense than "Somatic" responses and "Anticipation fear" situations were reported as less anxiety provoking than "Inanimate threat" situations and "Threat of punishment" situations.