Effects of Reduction and Reoxidation of Structural Iron on the Surface Charge and Dissolution of Dioctahedral Smectites

The effect of Fe oxidation state on the surface charge (CEC) and solubility of smectites were studied using the μm, Na+-saturated fraction of an Upton, Wyoming; a Czechoslovakian; and a New Zealand montmorillonite; and a Garfield, Washington, nontronite. The reduction of structural Fe3+ in the octahedral sheet of each clay produced a net increase in the negative surface charge of the clay. The observed cation-exchange capacities deviated from the linear relationship predicted by charge-deficit calculations, assuming changes only in the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio, and reversibly followed Fe reduction according to a 2nd-degree polynomial function. The deviations suggest reversible changes in mineral structure and composition during Fe reduction.These clays were susceptible to partial dissolution in citrate bicarbonate (CB) and citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) solutions. Small amounts of Fe and Si dissolved as a result of Fe reduction in CBD, but affected 3+ sites in the mineral structure. Dissolution seems to have been independent of the effects of Fe oxidation state on surface charge.