It has been found possible to obtain constant dry weights of sheet gelatin only by drying in vacuo at temperatures below 100°C. for a period of several weeks. Values are given for the ash and nitrogen content, the specific conductivity, and the isoelectric point of a standard gelatin preparation. By the method of E.M.F. measurements of cells without liquid junction, of the type Ag, AgCl, HCl + gelatin, H2, it has been found that this gelatin in 0.1 M HCl combines with a maximum of 9.58 x 10–4 equivalents of H+ and 2.0 x 10–4 equivalents of Cl-. By means of pH measurements with the hydrogen electrode and a KCl junction, the combination curve of this gelatin with H+ from HCl and OH- from NaOH has been determined between pH 1.1 and 12.5.