Cytoarchitectonic and fiberarchitectonic criteria were used in the preparation of a detailed map illustrating the vestibular nuclear complex of the guinea pig. The brainstems used for this study were serially cut at 16 μm in the transverse, the sagittal, or the horizontal plane. The sections were studied after being stained alternately with a combined cell and fiber staining method and a Nissl stain. The basic Cytoarchitectonic features of the four main vestibular nuclei, their extent, as well as their relationship to the surrounding structures are described. Additionally, the location, topographical features, and the cytoarchitecture of the small groups (f,g,l,x,y,z) associated with the vestibular nuclei are reported. Group f is especially well developed and easily distinguishable in the guinea pig. Furthermore, a hitherto undescribed cell cluster found dorsal to the dorsal border of the superior vestibular nucleus is presented. The results and especially the differences from the descriptions of other species are discussed.