Histology and Polysaccharide Histochemistry of Heterotopic Bone Formation

The polysaccharide histochemistry of heterotopic ossification was studied in spontaneous home formation in the corium of a 5-mo-old girl and in the connective tissue of laparotomy scars in pigs. Foci of enhanced alcianophilia occurred in both processes. Within the foci sharply demarcated non-alcianophilic centers formed loaded with P.A.S [periodic acid Schiff]-reactive granules on which Ca salts were deposited; after decalcification, the matrix kept its affinity for hematoxylin. Regular bone was deposited on this calcified matrix which was P.A.S.-negative, non-alcianophilic and showed no affinity for hematoxylin after decalcification. The possible role of neutral sugars in nucleation and of acid polysaccharides as inhibitors of calcification are discussed.