Charity Hospital Experience with Long-term Survival and Prognostic Factors in Patients with Breast Cancer with Localized or Regional Disease

Long-term survival, the prognostic effects of race, age, tumor size, number of positive nodes, and presence of grave signs (fixation, peau d'orange/edema, dimpling/retraction, satellite nodules, and ulceration) in this distribution of estrogen receptors (ERs) and progesterone receptors (PRs) were studied in 2480 patients (1815 blacks, 665 whites) diagnosed with localized or regional breast cancer at Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans (CHNO) from 1948 to 1985 and followed up in the CHNO Tumor Registry. Breast cancer-specific survival rates were 57%, 45%, 41%, 39%, 38%, and 35% at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years, respectively. Size of tumor, clinical status of nodes, and degree of fixation were important prognostic clinical factors, and number of nodes was an important pathologic factor with no additional value of the "grave signs." Size and fixation were related. Independent of size, clinical and pathologic status and fixation were related. ER was related to age and PR was related to number of nodes. The excess mortality from breast cancer at later intervals from diagnoses was small compared with mortality from other causes. Some, but not all, clinical findings were important prognostic indicators. ER and PR were related to some variables with unclear meaning.