Neutron refractive index: A Fermi-Huygens theory

A multiple-scattering calculation of the neutron refractive index is performed by an extension of the Fermi-Huygens technique. The extension involves projecting the problem into a one-dimensional walk by integrating out the transverse coordinate in a semi-infinite medium and then partially summing parts of the walk to infinite order. The square of the refractive index is given by n2-1=-(4πρb/k02)/[1+ (4πρb2/nk0) F0da e0ikasin(nk0a)h(a)], where k0 is the incident wave propagation vector, b the nuclear scattering length, ρ the number density of nuclei (ρ≡1/a03, say), and h(a)=g(a)-1, where g(a) is the pair distribution function. The results parallel those obtained by constitutive equation methods, and offer a physical picture of local-field effects. When the mean scattering length vanishes (total incoherence), correlated multiple scattering yields n2-1∼(b/a0 )4(k0 a0 )2 ln[(k0 a0 )1]. Thus, the refractive index is exceedingly close to unity unless b is large (a resonance) or k0→0 (ultracold neutrons). The presence of the logarithmic term indicates that randomness in the scattering field apparently reduces the effective dimension.