Gu, a Variant of G

Gu, analogous to Du and Eu, is a weak variant of G appearing in a haplotype lacking C, D, and E but having es.In a preliminary survey, the red blood cells ot three of 186 Negro blood donors found negative when tested for C, D (incuding Du), and E were shown to be Gu‐positive when tested with anti‐CD by the antiglobulin technic.Fourteen additional examples from unrelated persons and five members of a family have been investigated in this study. All Gu‐positive individuals tested are VS‐positive, but V‐negative, and all are Negro. Although G cells show greater antibody uptake when used to absorb anti‐CD, Gu cells elute anti‐G in substantially greater amounts than do G cells. Comparative studies demonstrate similarity of specificity but a difference of avidity, which could be due to the influence of es(VS) in cis position.Gu‐positive bloods have been shown to stimulate the production of anti‐G in Rh‐negative recipients. The test for Gu can be incorporated in the test for Du by substituting anti‐CD or anti‐CDE for anti‐D serum.