EPR study ofNi+centers in SrF2

The EPR spectra of two kinds of Ni+ centers created by room-temperature x irradiation of SrF2: Ni single crystals are reported. One of them labeled as Ni+-I shows a pure tetragonal symmetry with a g tensor given by the values g=2.597±0.005 and g=2.092±0.005. The superhyperfine (SHF) structure is interpreted as due to the interaction with four equivalent fluorines. The interaction with each of these fluorines is given by an axial tensor with A=235±5 MHz and A=105±5 MHz. The other type of Ni+ centers labeled as Ni+-II shows a slight orthorhombic distortion with respect to the tetragonal symmetry. The principal values of their g tensor are gx=2.093±0.005, gy=2.087±0.005, and gz=2.589±0.005 and the orientation of the principal axes is given by the Euler angles φ=45°, θ=2°, and Ψ=0° with respect to the cube axes. The observed SHF structure is interpreted in the same way as for Ni+-I centers but with A=250±5 MHz and A=100±5 MHz. The basic model for both defects is a Ni+ ion displaced along one of the 100 directions from the center of the cube of fluorines toward one of its faces, forming a kind of NiF43 molecular ion. The slight orthorhombic distortion of Ni+-II centers is likely to be due to the presence of an extra defect in the neighborhood of Ni+ ions. The production and stability of both kinds of defects under different treatments is also reported. From these results and by comparison with optical absorption data we have concluded that Ni+-I centers are responsible for an absorption band at 270 nm and that Ni+-II centers produce an absorption band at 285 nm.