The renormalization problem is solved, qualitatively, for the λ0φ6 interaction of a scalar field φ(x) in two space and one time dimensions. The theory is found to be finite after mass renormalization, although perturbation theory predicts there should be φ4 and φ6 counter-terms also. The renormalized theory is an interacting theory; it is scale-invariant at short distances. The field φ has canonical dimension 12 in mass units (but this dimension may change in a more quantitative analysis) while the renormalized form of φ2 has a noncanonical dimension, about 1.36. The cutoff dependence of the theory is computed by evaluating the Feynman path integral qualitatively. The analysis reduces the problem to a recursion formula for a function of one variable which acts as a representation of the renormalization group. The method of analysis is applicable to any scalar field theory.