Nd:LiTaO_3 waveguide laser

Waveguide lasers operating near 1092 and 1076 nm were fabricated in Z-cut Nd–Ti codiffused LiTaO3. The Nd diffusion was at 1400°C for 120 h. Samples from two wafers were examined. The Nd film starting thickness was 7 nm in wafer 1 and 15 nm in wafer 2. Ti stripes, 8–15 μm wide, were diffused at 1500°C for 4 h for wafer 1 (130-nm stripe thickness) and 2 h for wafer 2 (100-nm stripe thickness). Pumping was at 750 nm. Threshold occurred at 330 mW of absorbed pump power for the best waveguides from wafer 1 and 100 mW for the best waveguides from wafer 2. The slope efficiency of the latter was 0.07%.