The pressure dependence of Co60 diffusion has been measured in melt-spun amorphous Co76.7 Fe2 Nb14.3 B7 and fcc Co, and the temperature dependence and the relaxation behavior were investigated in the metallic glass. A radio-tracer technique in conjunction with ion-beam sputtering for serial sectioning was employed. The samples were characterized by means of differential scanning calorimetry, electron microprobe analysis, and x-ray diffraction prior to and after the diffusion anneals. Within the experimental error margins, no pressure dependence was observed in amorphous Co76.7 Fe2 Nb14.3 B7. The activation volume was found to be V=-(0.06±0.1)Ω, where Ω is the atomic volume of Co. This result shows that diffusion in the metallic glass is not mediated through quasivacancies in thermal equilibrium.