Coital Stimuli Controlling Luteinizing Hormone Secretion and Ovulation in the Female Ferret1

A series of experiments focused on the masculine coital behaviors controlling pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion and reflex ovulation in the estrous female ferret. An initial experiment investigated which coital stimuli from the male are required to induce ovulation. It was found that corpus luteum formation, which served as an index of ovulation, occurred in estrous female ferrets only if the male achieved a penile intromission. Neck gripping, mounting, and pelvic thrusting behavior without intromission by the male failed to induce ovulation. A second experiment investigated the timing and magnitude of the coitus-induced LH surge associated with ovulation. Blood was obtained via jugular catheters from estrous females in various mating situations. Plasma LH concentrations were measured by a heterologous radioimmunoassay that was validated for use in the ferret. A significant surge in plasma LH occurred only when an intromission was achieved by the stud male. Plasma LH was significantly elevated 2.0 h after the introduction of the male, peak values were reached 6.0 h later, and this elevation lasted on average 5.7 hours (5/5 females). No LH rise occurred in 2/2 female ferrets in which only neck gripping, mounting, and pelvic thrusting, but no intromission, were allowed to occur. The ferret mating pattern and the resultant LH response differ from those seen in three other induced ovulators (cat, vole, and rabbit) in which the male's intromission latency and duration are much shorter than in the ferret, and in which a distinctive peak in plasma LH often occurs within 1 h after mating.