It has become increasingly well realized that laboratory simulations of air pollution risk assessment need to employ O3 concentration profiles that more accurately mimic those encountered during summer daylight ambient air pollution episodes. The present study was designed to compare the pulmonary function and symptoms of breathing discomfort responses to a 6.6-h square-wave 0.08-ppm O3 chamber exposure to those observed in a triangular O3 exposure profile (mean of 0.08 ppm), as well as to both a 0.06-ppm square-wave and triangular mean 0.06-ppm exposure, and to those observed during a triangular mean 0.04-ppm exposure and to a filtered air (FA) square-wave exposure. Thirty young adults (15 of each gender) served as subjects, each completing all exposures. While the 6.6-h postexposure responses to the acute triangular exposure to a mean O3 concentration of 0.08 ppm did not differ significantly from those observed in the square-wave exposure, forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV)1.0 and total symptoms severity (TSS) were significantly different from preexposure at 4.6 h (when O3 concentration was 0.15 ppm) in the triangular exposure, but not until 6.6 h in the square-wave exposure. Thus, significant pulmonary function and symptoms responses were observed over a longer period in the triangular exposure protocol at a mean O3 concentration of 0.08 ppm. These results support previous evidence that O3 concentration has a greater singular effect in the total inhaled O3 dose than do VE and exposure duration. Subtracting pulmonary function effects consequent to O3 exposure to existent 8-h average background levels (e.g., ∼0.04 ppm, rather than those observed in FA exposures) from those observed at higher concentrations (e.g., ∼0.08 ppm) represents a means of focusing the regulatory effort on effects that can be controlled. The greatest pulmonary function and symptoms responses observed for a 0.04-ppm triangular exposure were nearly the same as those for the FA square-wave exposure. Thus, results of the present study show that calculating the net pulmonary function effect of exposure to 0.08 ppm with “correction” for FA response, or for that incurred for 0.04 ppm O3, does not result in any statistically significant difference.