Relative warp analysis of skull shape across the hybrid zone of the house mouse (Mus musculus) in Denmark.

The changes in skull shape that occur in the hybrid zone between the two European subspecies of the house mouse (Mus musculus musculusandM. m. domesticus) were studied by relative warp analyses. Landmarks observed on the ventral view of the skulls of 269 mice sampled in 18 localities in Denmark were analysed. Each population was also characterized by a hybrid index estimated from allozymic data. Although no clear pattern of within‐population variability of shape could be established across the hybrid zone, the shape changes among the 18 populations were found to be correlated with the allozymic introgression but not with geographical location. Finally, the cline obtained for skull shape seems to be steeper than that corresponding to the average allozyme hybrid index which suggests that skull development could be slightly perturbed in hybrids.