Concentrations and Distribution of Some Mineral Elements in Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Plants in Relation to Nitrogen Supply

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effect of N nutrition (30, 100 or 170 ppm N) on the concentrations and distribution of P, K, Ca, and Mg in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Leaf K concentration increased with increasing N supply up to 100 ppm N, as did leaf Mg after the bloom stage. Leaf Ca decreased with increasing N nutrition but P concentration was unaffected. Lower leaves had higher P concentrations than did the upper leaves. P, Ca and Mg concentrations in the roots at 34 days before bloom (DBB) declined when N supply was increased but K concentration was unaffected. At 10 and 44 days after bloom (DAB) P concentrations in the roots, stem and branches increased with N supply; whereas K, Ca and Mg concentrations did not respond. Concentrations of P in the pods increased with N nutrition up to 100 ppm N but those of K, Ca and Mg in the pods, hull and seeds were unaffected by N nutrition. P concentrations in the hull and in the seeds also increased with N supply. Most of the K and Ca were in the leaves while the least were in the seeds. Most of the P accumulated in the seeds and roots; whereas the hull contained the least. Of the four nutrients analyzed for, P concentrations were generally the lowest in the various plant parts and K concentrations the highest. Ca/Mg ratios for the hull and branches were increased by 100 ppm N and the ratios for the leaves, pods and seeds were unaffected by N nutrition.