Induction by thidiazuron of somatic embryogenesis in intact seedlings of peanut

In planta differentiation of somatic embryos was induced in seedlings of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) obtained from mature seeds germinated on a medium supplemented with thidiazuron (TDZ: N-phenyl-N1- (1,2,3 thiadiazol-yl)urea). At optimum levels of TDZ (10 μM), all germinating seeds produced embryogenic seedlings, and somatic embryos developed in the apical region and on the surface of cotyledons and hypocotyls. These somatic embryos matured, germinated, and formed shoots which eventually developed into whole plants. Thidiazuron-induced direct embryogenesis from morphologically intact seedlings may provide an excellent experimental system for investigating somatic embryogenesis and the morphoregulatory role of TDZ.