A correlation of the Tertiary stratal sequences throughout the area from India to the islands of the Western Pacific and to Australia is attempted. As far as it concerns the Miocene, reference is made to Drooger's work on the stratigraphic distribution of Miogypsinidae and of pelagic Foraminifera. Apparent discrepancies reported from Formosa and Saipan are examined and the factual data are found to be compatible with Drooger's dating of the entry of Orbulina. Abundant information from south. eastern Australia on foraminiferal biostratigraphy is reviewed. Upper Eocene to Miocene foraminiferal zones can be regionally recognised, among them the important Globigerinoides bispherica zone. While its placing in the Helvetian in accordance with Drooger's findings in Europe is compatible with n!'!w observations and is tentatively accepted, a Burdigalian age cannot be ruled out on present evidence. The occurrence of Paleocene, Eocene and Miocene distinctive markers leads to the first fairly detailed correlation of Australian and Indo-Pacific Tertiary strata.

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