Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Hyperfine Fields in Dilute Fe Alloys

The hyperfine field spectra of ten Fe alloy systems have been studied. Nuclear magnetic resonance fast‐passage techniques have been used to obtain direct plots of the distributions of hyperfine fields. The systems studied were FeAl, FeSi, FeV, FeCr, FeMn, FeCo, FeNi, FeGe, FePd, and FeSn. In general, four alloys of each system were studied, with the impurity concentration varying from 10−3 to 1.5 × 10−2. All the experimental hyperfine field distributions include satellite resonances. These satellites are interpreted as arising from different sets of Fe near‐neighbours of an impurity. The intensities and line shapes of the satellites are studied. The results of the study are compared with the results of spin‐echo NMR and Mössbauer effect studies to obtain (for most of the alloys) the hyperfine field shifts at the first five near‐neighbor sites.