The role of local fields and interparticle pair correlations in light scattering by dense fluids

The polarized scattering intensity is calculated, in the Einstein-Smoluchowski approximation, for four thermodynamic states of a model diatomic; these are the same states for which the depolarized intensity was calculated in the first article (I) of this series. The polarized intensity is discussed in terms of an ‘effective isotropic polarizability’ α 0 eff and the ratio (α 0 eff/α 0)2, where α 0 is the gas-phase isotropic polarizability, and is both expressed formally and tabulated for the four states. Similarly in (I), depolarized intensities were discussed in terms of the ratio, (γα)2, where γ is the ‘effective polarizability anisotropy’ and Δα the gas-phase anisotropy. We find that (α 0 eff/α 0)2 lies much closer to unity than does (γα)2, in agreement with existing experimental data, which indicates that the introduction of effective polarizabilities is relatively unimportant or important, respectively, as polarized or depolarized scattering is considered.