Voiding Pattern Abnormalities in Normal Children: Results of Pharmacologic Manipulation

Urodynamic studies were done on 50 children with voiding pattern abnormalities, characterized by daytime incontinence, damp pants, nocturnal enuresis, frequency and recurrent urinary tract infections. Cystometry, uroflowmetry and pelvic floor/external urethral sphincter electromyography were included. Of the 50 children studied 37 were treated with various pharmacological agents [imipramine, propantheline, diazepam, phenoxybenzamine, bethanechol chloride, enuretrol, ephedrine and anticholinergic agents] based on 8 recognized urodynamic patterns. Thirty-one children (84%) became totally asymptomatic while on pharmacotherapy and 4 (11%) demonstrated marked improvement in clinical symptoms. Appropriately directed urodynamic studies and treatment with specific pharmacological agents can treat (retrain) effectively children with voiding pattern abnormalities.