Electron-Spin-Resonance Study of Manganese-Substituted Spinel

An ESR study was made of MnxMg1xAl2O4 for 104x1.0 at 300 K using powder samples. An analysis was made within the framework of the spin Hamiltonian H=μBS·g·H+S·D·S+S·A·I. The parameters were determined to be g=2.00, A=84 G, and D=4 G. At low concentrations the 12-line spectrum exhibited each fine-structure pentad of the hyperfine hexad resolved into a singlet and unresolved quartet. A perturbation-theory analysis based on the above Hamiltonian revealed the powder spectrum to be sensitive to an additional Hamiltonian term or perhaps some anisotropy in A. With increasing concentration, it is found that exchange has a magnitude of 1 kG by the time x=102. At intermediate and high concentrations when the spectrum collapsed into a single line, the analysis employed the Anderson theory of exchange to give exchange rates ωEγ between 2 and 15 kG.

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