Substance concentrations of plasma cholinesterase (EC were measured in 94 healthy individuals without occupational exposure to known inhibitors (six samples from each individual). Immunoreactive cholinesterase substance concentrations showed an inter-individual variation corresponding to CVtotal = 22% (mean 5.01 mg/l, SD mg/l mg/l). Intra-individual variations of immunoreactive cholinesterase substance concentration were correlated (r = 0.36) to intra-individual variations of albumin. Estimated by a repeated-measures analysis of variance, the observed intra-individual variation of cholinesterase substance concentration corresponded to CV = 8.8% (SD: 0.44 mg/l), which toghether with a CVerror = 6% (within and between runs), implies a biological intra-individual variation of cholinesterase substance concentration corresponding to CVintra = 6.4%. Specific catalytic activity (kU/mg immunoreactive cholinesterase) was influenced by the ChE-1 phenotype (phenotype U: 1.58 kU/mg, phenotype UA: 1.22 kU/mg), but not by body weight, height, age, and sex. Observed intra-individual variation of specific catalytic corresponded to 6.4% (SD: 0.10 kU/mg), which together with an estimated CVerror - 6.2 implies tha biological intra-individual variations of specific catalytic cholinesterase activity to be insignificant. The insignificant CVintra makes specific catalytic cholinesterase activity a rational quantity for evaluation of unexpected fluctuations of cholinesterase activity concentrations.