Influence of Pheromone Trap Color on Capture of Lilac Borer Males 123

Color is important in optimizing capture rate of male lilac borers, Podosesia syringae (Harris), in pheromone traps. Significantly more moths were captured with black, brown, or red traps than with other trap colors tested. White traps were consistently poorest. Painting dark-colored traps with a contrasting band did not increase their effectiveness. Although dark-colored Pherocon® 1C traps were up to five times more effective than standard white traps, traps painted on the exterior only failed to catch significantly more borers than did solid white traps. These findings appear to result from attraction and orientation of pheromone-stimulated males to dark shapes, rather than male hesitancy to enter a white trap. The role of visual stiumli in the searching behavior of male clearwing moths is discussed.