Partial Regeneration of Periodontal Tissues Using Collagen Barriers

The capacity of collagen membranes to support guided regeneration of periodontal tissues in the dog was assessed. The mesiolabial, labial and distolabial aspects of the mesial root of the second and third mandibular premolar were surgically exposed in three beagle dogs. Collagen membranes, 0.5 to 0.7 mm thick, prepared from a purified solution of ratType I collagen were interposed between the gingival flap and the exposed root surfaces of the right premolars. The left premolare were sham‐operated without the use of collagen membranes. Animals were killed one month after surgery. Tissue blocks, including the surgical sites, were removed and prepared for histological and histometric examination.Long epithelial attachment was the modality of healing in the control sites. The apical level of the junctional epithelium was located either at, or close to, the apical level of the defect. The experimental sites exhibited a combination of three healing modalities: (1) partial regeneration of periodontal tissues (new bone, periodontal ligament and cementum) occurred in the apical half of the defect, (2) long epithelial attachment developed in the coronal quarter of the defect and (3) connective tissue adhesion developed between the two. Pocket depth was similar in both the control and experimental sites. Collagen membranes could not be identified at the time of examination.The results indicate that: (1) collagen membranes have the capacity to support regeneration of periodontal tissues and (2) collagen membranes are either incorporated within the healing tissues or degraded by these during the healing process. These findings suggest that collagen membranes may be of value in reconstructive periodontal therapy.