Improvements in Glass Capillary Gas Chromatographic Polychlorobiphenyl Analysis

Separation of a 1:1:1:1 calibration mixture of Aroclors 1221,1016,1254, and 1260 on soda glass capillaries coated with Apolane (C-87) or Apiezon L is described. Polychlorobiphenyl congener structures are assigned to 112 separated and partially separated zones. The quantitative composition of Aroclor 1221 is reported. The performance of the two stationary phases on different lengths of laboratory and commercially prepared capillaries is compared and found to be very similar. Aroclors 1221, 1016, 1254, and 1260 are employed (1:1:1:1) for the primary calibration mixture because they contain all components of the commercial materials which pollute the environment; they are also easily obtained from the U.S. EPA Repository so that the method can be used in any laboratory by employing the calibration data given here.

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