An Experimental Study of Hypnosis in Painful Burns

The present study examines the usefulness of hypnosis in the control of acute pain in thermal and electrically burned patients as an adjunctive analgesic during the routine care of burn wounds. It was hypothesized that the use of hypnosis would lead to significant reductions in the amount of drugs needed as compared to patients using medication only. Anxiety and discomfort associated with daily tanking, debridement, and dressing changes were expected to be reduced because of the introduction of hypnotic procedures. The experimental study also examined the variables of age and percent of burns. Two studies were conducted including patients with 0–30% total body burns and 31–60% burns. A variety of hypnotic techniques were used. Both studies revealed significantly lower percentages of medication used (p < .01) by the hypnotic groups than control groups. The 7–18-year-old patients used significantly less medication (p < .05) than the adult groups. The implications of the findings, and usefulness of hypnosis and ego strengthening techniques for improvement of self-confidence and improved body image were considered.

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