In the Whapmagoostui area (east of Hudson Bay), tree harvesting by Crée Indians in lichen woodlands affects the form and the growth of surviving trees and also the forest population dynamics. A study of the growth form of white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) that have been pruned shows the efficiency of a total traumatic reiteration process. After several years, the annual radial growth was equivalent to that recorded before pruning. In clear-cutting areas (more than 75% of trees removed), the increase in the radial growth of spared trees was 400 to 700%. The main factors that govern the success of regeneration in cutting areas are the rather small extension of the openings (2), the low intensity of tree harvesting (<75% of trees over 90% of the surface), the physical conditions of the lichenous ground cover and the abundance of the lignified debris after clearing vegetation, and the climatic conditions in the subsequent years.