Heavy-to-light transition form factors at large recoil energy of the light meson have been conjectured to obey a factorization formula, where the set of form factors is reduced to a smaller number of universal form factors up to hard-scattering corrections. In this paper we extend our previous investigation of heavy-to-light currents in soft-collinear effective theory to final states with invariant mass Lambda^2 as is appropriate to exclusive B meson decays. The effective theory contains soft modes and two collinear modes with virtualities of order m_b*Lambda (`hard-collinear') and Lambda^2. Integrating out the hard-collinear modes results in the hard spectator-scattering contributions to exclusive B decays. We discuss the representation of heavy-to-light currents in the effective theory after integrating out the hard-collinear scale, and show that the previously conjectured factorization formula is valid to all orders in perturbation theory. The naive factorization of matrix elements in the effective theory into collinear and soft matrix elements may be invalidated by divergences in convolution integrals. In the factorization proof we circumvent the explicit regularization of endpoint divergences by a definition of the universal form factors that includes hard-collinear, collinear and soft effects.

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